The Energy Market Authority of Singapore (“EMA”) and SP Digital Pte. Ltd. (“SP Digital”) are collaborating on a Household Demand-Response Pilot (“DR Challenge”), under which SP Digital will be selecting at least 1,000 households in accordance with EMA’s criteria to participate in the DR Challenge.

Supplemental Terms & Conditions between SP Digital and User
  1. These DR Challenge Terms are issued pursuant to Clause 6 of SP Digital’s Terms & Conditions of Use in respect of the DR Challenge and are supplemental to SP Digital’s Terms & Conditions of Use. Unless otherwise specifically defined herein, capitalised terms in these DR Challenge Terms have the meanings given to them in SP Digital’s Terms & Conditions of Use.

  2. By clicking the “Start Survey to Join” button and submitting your responses to this pre-registration survey, in consideration of EMA and SP Digital considering you for participation in the DR Challenge, you:

    1. agree that these DR Challenge Terms and SP Digital’s Terms & Conditions of Use shall govern both your participation in this pre-registration survey and (if selected) the DR Challenge;

    2. consent to the collection, use and disclosure by SP Digital to EMA, SP Services Ltd (“SPS”) and/or their agents of all data, information and documents submitted in this pre-registration survey and/or required for purposes of implementing and running the DR Challenge and/or research purposes by EMA, including but not limited to data on household demographics and energy consumption patterns; and

    3. consent to the collection, use and disclosure by SP Digital to EMA, SPS and/or their agents of your PayNow-linked mobile number for the purposes of disbursing any rewards to which you may become eligible pursuant to the DR Challenge.

  3. Disbursement of any Rewards (as defined in Paragraph 9 below) relating to the DR Challenge is conditional upon compliance with the DR Challenge Terms and SP Digital’s Terms & Conditions of Use. In the event that EMA or/and SP Digital in its sole discretion determines that you have breached any of the said terms and conditions, you acknowledge that EMA or/and SP Digital may cancel any Rewards and/or your participation in the DR Challenge without notice to you.

Timelines for the DR Challenge
  1. The DR Challenge is open only to selected SP app users and households. Participants must complete this pre-registration survey to be offered the opportunity to participate in the DR Challenge.
    Each household living in the same dwelling unit shall only be entitled to submit one survey response and participate in the DR Challenge with one SP app user account, and non-compliance with this stipulation may result in disqualification from participation and/or cancellation of Rewards. Only the main utilities account owner of the household may participate in the DR Challenge. Users that are on shared premises will not be eligible to sign up.
  1. You acknowledge that EMA and/or SP Digital’s decision on which users to select is final, conclusive and binding, and you agree to irrevocably waive any right to challenge any such decision to select or reject users for participation.

  2. For the avoidance of doubt, EMA and SP Digital are not obliged to select participants on a ‘first come first serve’ basis, nor are they obliged to select all qualifying participants who meet EMA’s criteria.

  1. This pre-registration survey will remain open for submissions until 15 July 2024. If you are eligible to participate in the DR Challenge, you will be notified through the SP app and be requested to provide a PayNow-linked mobile number by 31 August 2024 for the purposes of allowing SPS to credit you with any Rewards earned through the DR Challenge. Users who successfully provide their PayNow-linked mobile number will be qualified for potential final selection as Pilot participants (“Pilot users”).

  2. The DR Challenge will run from 1 September 2024 – 28 February 2025 (“Challenge Period”). Notwithstanding this, EMA and/or SP Digital may, in their sole and absolute discretion, discontinue the DR Challenge before the end of the Challenge Period, in which case SP Digital will notify participants of such discontinuance through the SP app.

    1. You acknowledge and accept that EMA and SP Digital provide no warranty that the DR Challenge will run for the full Challenge Period, and disclaim any reliance by you on the same.

    2. Accordingly, you acknowledge that any decision by EMA and/or SP Digital to discontinue the DR Challenge shall be final, conclusive and binding, and you agree to irrevocably waive any right to challenge any such decision. SP Digital will provide 14 days’ advance notice to participants prior to the discontinuation of the DR Challenge.

  3. During the Challenge Period, participants will be notified at least 30 minutes before their personalised targets for reduced energy consumption (“Reduction Target”) during randomised 2-hour blocks of time on a daily basis (“Reduction Period”). Participants who successfully use less energy than their Reduction Target will be eligible for Rewards as specified in these DR Challenge Terms. For the avoidance of doubt, neither EMA nor SP Digital shall be obliged to notify participants of any minimum number of targets, and may elect not to issue any such targets at all.

Rewards for the DR Challenge
  1. Participants in the DR Challenge will be eligible for Rewards in the form of a fixed monetary incentive per kWh of energy reduction compared to that household’s historical average base load for the past 12 months (“Average Consumption”) if the participant is successful in meeting the Reduction Target in energy consumption for each Reduction Period, calculated as follows:

If energy consumption (in kWh) is less than Reduction Target,

Total incentive per Reduction Period = Incentive Rate x Reduction Amount

  1. “Incentive Rate” means the S$ per kWh rate specified in the notification for the Reduction Period in question. The Incentive Rate is subject to change from time to time without notice to participants.

  2. “Reduction Amount” means the difference between the Average Consumption and the actual energy consumption during a given Reduction Period.

  3. “Reduction Target” means the energy consumption (in kWh) target during the Reduction Period. The Reduction Target is derived by reducing the Average Consumption by an amount to be set by SP Digital and represents the energy consumption level to which the participating household must reduce during the Reduction Period in order to qualify for an incentive, as specified in the notification for the Reduction Period in question. If the participant’s energy consumption is higher than the Reduction Target then the participant will not be eligible to receive any Rewards for that Reduction Period. The Reduction Target is subject to change from time to time without notice to participants.

  4. During the DR Challenge Period, the “Incentive Rate”, “Reduction Amount”, and “Reduction Target” will be made known to participants through the SP app.

  1. At the end of each month, all Rewards earned by a participant in respect of Reduction Periods in the previous month will be aggregated and paid by SPS via PayNow to the mobile number submitted by the participant for this purpose. However if a participant has updated the mobile number used for crediting Rewards in the previous month, payment will only be made by the end of the next month. A worked example of the payout schedule for Rewards earned in respect of Reduction Periods in January 2025 is as follows:

If your PayNow-linked mobile number submitted for crediting Rewards under the DR Challenge remains the same, you will receive any earned Rewards for January 2025 by no later than the last day of February 2025.

However, if you have updated your PayNow-linked mobile number in January 2025, SP Digital will need some time to process the change and update your particulars. As such, you will receive any earned Rewards for January 2025 by no later than the last day of March 2025.

  1. For the avoidance of doubt, whether you receive or do not receive Rewards during the DR Challenge, your qualifying GreenUP Plant status will not be improved or affected by your participation in the DR Challenge.
Disqualification from participation and cancellation of Rewards
  1. EMA and SP Digital may, in their sole and absolute discretion, disqualify you from participation in the DR Challenge and cancel any Rewards in any of the following scenarios:

    1. the mobile number provided for the crediting of Rewards is not PayNow-registered and/or is otherwise unable to receive Rewards;

    2. you close the utilities account registered and/or used to participate in the DR Challenge;

    3. you unlink your utilities account registered to your SP app and subsequently re-link the same utilities account to your SP app;

    4. you change residential address or otherwise relocate to a different residential unit;

    5. you participate and complete challenges in the DR Challenge through the use of multiple SP app accounts (or any other methods) in respect of the same household; and/or

    6. you open or maintain a solar power generating utilities account during the Challenge Period.

  2. Notwithstanding Paragraph 11 above, EMA and SP Digital will not automatically disqualify participants whose meters are faulty (apart from exceptional situations, e.g., where the meters have been tampered with). However, such participants will not be able to participate in the DR Challenge or meet Reduction Targets for the period the meter remains faulty, and EMA and SP Digital shall not be liable to pay such participants any compensation, Rewards and/or reimbursement during said period.

  3. Any decision by EMA and/or SP Digital to disqualify a participant or cancel Rewards is final, conclusive and binding, and no appeal against disqualification or cancellation will be entertained by SP Digital or EMA.

  1. By participating in the pre-registration survey and/or the DR Challenge, in addition to any other consent you have already provided to SP Digital, for example, via the use of the SP app, and any right of SP Digital under applicable laws, you consent to SP Digital collecting, using and disclosing your information (including your registered mobile number) for the purposes of this pre-registration survey and the DR Challenge. Personal Information and data submitted to SP Digital via the SP app shall be treated in accordance with SP Group’s Personal Data Protection Policy and in using the SP app, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by SP Group’s Personal Data Protection Policy.

  2. EMA has no affiliation with SP Digital and EMA has neither authorised nor endorsed the SP app in relation to the DR Challenge. All queries relating to the DR Challenge shall be directed to SP Digital.

  3. SP Digital and EMA shall not be responsible for any fees, costs, losses, damages, claims, expenses and/or injuries of any person howsoever incurred or suffered, whether directly or indirectly or consequentially, in relation with the DR Challenge or otherwise. SP Digital and EMA shall not be responsible for any incorrect awarding of Rewards due to an incorrect mobile number or any other incorrect instructions provided by you.

  4. You agree that SP Digital and EMA, their affiliates, agents and respective officers and employees shall not be liable for any actions, claims, demands, injuries, proceedings, liability, losses, damages, costs and expenses of any nature sustained by you directly or indirectly by reason of or in connection with the DR Challenge. You will indemnify and keep fully indemnified SP Digital and EMA and their affiliates and its and its affiliates’ officers, servants, agents and employees (the “Indemnified Parties”) against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, claims, expenses and costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) suffered and/or incurred by any of the Indemnified Parties as a result of the breach of any of the DR Challenge Terms herein by you.

  5. SP Digital and EMA reserves the right, at its sole and absolute discretion, to suspend or cancel the DR Challenge, or to vary and amend any of the DR Terms herein, at any time without prior notice or any liability to you. SP Digital will provide 14 days’ advance notice to participants prior to the discontinuation of the DR Challenge as stated in Paragraph 6.

  6. SP Digital and EMA reserves all rights to (i) substitute the Rewards with any item of equivalent or similar value; (ii) forfeit or reclaim the Rewards where a participant is subsequently discovered to be ineligible; (iii) update these DR Challenge Terms without prior notification and you will in participating in the DR Challenge be bound by any such update; and (iv) make determinations and decisions on all matters relating to the DR Challenge which shall be final, conclusive and binding. No appeal against any of SP Digital and EMA’s decisions will be entertained by SP Digital and/or EMA.

  7. The prevailing terms governing your use of the SP app (“Standard Terms”) shall continue to apply to the pre-registration survey and the DR Challenge. In the event of any inconsistency between the DR Challenge Terms and the Standard Terms, or the DR Challenge Terms and any advertising, campaign, publicity, brochure, marketing or other materials relating to or in connection with this pre-registration survey and the DR Challenge, the DR Challenge Terms shall, only to the extent of such inconsistency, prevail in respect of matters relating to this pre-registration survey and the DR Challenge.

  8. Rewards under the DR Challenge are personal to you, and SP Digital and EMA will not entertain any requests to assign Rewards to any other third party.

  9. The DR Challenge Terms shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Singapore, and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts. A person not a party to the DR Challenge Terms has no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2001 of Singapore to enforce the DR Challenge Terms.