What is GreenUP?

GreenUP is a feature in SP app for you to cultivate sustainable habits and adopt a greener lifestyle through our green challenges. We reward you with leaves, our form of points to grow your virtual seed. This seed represents your growth and commitment to sustainability. We hope you will be able to influence your family, friends and community to go green.

What’s in GreenUP?

We have a variety of challenges such as Volunteer with Foodbank, Pay Utilities Bills with us and Recycle your E-waste and many more. Challenges that requires family participation includes the following:

Add Family

Add Family Members to Share Utilities

One time only + 50 Leaf

Invite your family members to view your household’s utilities. Now, everyone is responsible for their utility consumption.

Energy Saving Challenge

Energy Saving Challenge

Once a month + 50 Leaf

Our Energy Saving Challenge allows you to monitor your energy consumption every month at your designated premises. Reduce your energy consumption by at least 2% monthly to be successful.

Our rewards

Capistar Rewards

For every completed challenge, you earn leaves to increase your plant level, unlocking unique CapitaStar rewards using STAR$ at a discount. The higher your plant level, the more rewards you can redeem.

Why participate in GreenUP?

Climate change has already begun to impact our planet. Fortunately, there are ways that we can do to fight against climate change through GreenUP.